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Phenom Leap
This very important step that can help save you valuable money and time.

This particular step comes from my years of fighting and knowing when, how and why to TAP.

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Let me break it down in fighting terms then take it across to real world situations. In fighting we TAP to prevent serious injury, or passing out. If we get caught in an armbar (this is where someone tries to hyperextend your arm, causing you to dislocate your elbow, or break your arm) you can fight it for a time and try to escape, but if you fail to get out of it, or to at least a safe place, you can TAP and they will release the hold. This way you avoid serious injury and you get to learn how to avoid the situation, or get out of it next time.

This is how we learn and grow as a fighter without suffering possible career ending injuries.

In business you may have a project that is taking a lot of your money and time and could potentially cost you your business. You have to know when to TAP out and step back to re-evaluate the situation,

as Kenny Rogers says, “You have to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em”. 


This becomes a perfect learning tool to move forward in business and not make the same mistakes again. It is important to not rush this process, but dig as deep as you can and find out specifically where the issue lies. It is often not the first place you think where things go wrong, but you often have to go below the surface to see where things started to go wrong. In the fighting example it can trace back quite a number of steps. Yes I had to TAP at the end, but where did it start?

Was it when I was in his/her closed guard, or when I allowed my arm to cross their midline of the body, or even once they got the grip was there time when I could have saved my arm by stacking them? As you can see there were many opportunities for me to prevent the arm bar and I can even go back earlier to why was I in their guard instead of side control or full mount?

In any given situation you should have a time limit of when you should TAP, and ensure that you take the time to learn from your mistakes so as not to repeat them again.

If you learn and grow it isn’t a loss, it is a learning process, as we often learn more from a loss than we do from a win.

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